Looking for love? Check your fridge!

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Looking for love Check your fridge!
ABC7 News spoke to a refrigerator dating expert who says the secret to meeting your soulmate is in your fridge.

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- We all know how hard it is finding that perfect partner, but what if the secret to meeting your soulmate is in your refrigerator?

One marketing guru says the brands you buy and the leftovers you keep, says everything you need to know about a potential match.

What's in your fridge? Could it be the path to love?

"When I look at somebody's fridge, I get an idea of their health, their lifestyle, their income, their sex life," said John Stonehill, the world's first R.D.E. -- that stands for refrigerator dating expert. "Nothing says more about whom we are than what we eat and what we drink, and eating and drinking is our main dating activity."

Stonehill has a background in marketing, but a date's messy and smelly fridge gave him inspiration.

"I had this fridge epiphany where I got set up with this doctor, she went to Princeton undergrad, she's doing her residency at Columbia. The only thing I knew about this girl was that she was smarter than me," he said. "I go back to her place. Second date, things are going well. I check her fridge."

What he found inside was appalling. "It was truly like Godzilla attacked New York, ate up half of Harlem, and then went to the bathroom in her fridge and that's what it smelled like," he added. "The reality, it turns out, is this is one of the craziest girls I ever dated."

That led to an epiphany. Stonehill said, "I was like, 'Oh my God. Chaos in one's life equals chaos in one's fridge.'"

Stonehill now writes a popular blog called Check Their Fridge. It's an analysis of what's inside people's refrigerators. He says everything from the brands we buy to the food we stock says plenty about who we are.

Here are a few things to look for. First, is it clean? A filthy fridge likely shows someone's life is in disarray. Stonehill said, "Right off the bat, if a fridge is messy, or smelly, that's a huge red flag."

Look at the brands. Expensive labels are likely a sign of wealth, too many generic or store brands might mean they are cheap.

"If they are stinge-ing out on every single thing in their fridge, then most likely -- highly likely -- their very cheap in other areas of their life as well," Stonehill said.

Is there healthy food in the fridge? Stonehill explains, "Because what they are putting in their body now is going to dictate what they are going to look like down the road."

Is the fridge empty? "What it says to me is that this person is probably not available on the social front," Stonehill said.

We wanted to see how right Stonehill was so we asked San Francisco single Kerry to show us her fridge.

Kerry walked us through her fridge, pointing out "there's champagne and white wines."

We sent the video off to Stonehill and checked back in with him via Skype. So what did her fridge say about her?

"If I was single, I'd go out with her in a heartbeat," said Stonehill. "And there are several reasons why... right off the bat, the woman loves champagne. She also has a lot of wine. You know what that says to me? She's a quality host. She has tons of cheeses, charcuterie, she has beer even though she doesn't drink beer, another quality that's she's really looking out for her guests and those lucky dudes that make it back to her place."

All in all, Stonehill was spot on about Kerry and her fridge.

Kerry said, "It says that I am not home that much. I eat out a lot and when I am home, I serve alcohol, wine, cheese, crackers and salami."

What does Kerry like to see in a guy's fridge? She giggled, "Wine. Cheese."

That's exactly what Stonehill says is key to refrigerator love -- always look for the things you like too.

Written and produced by Ken Miguel

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