EXCLUSIVE: Artist begging SF for help after unhoused woman blocks gallery elevator with debris

Friday, June 23, 2023
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Editor's Note: A day after this story aired, a crew with San Francisco's Department of Public Works cleaned up the entrance to Charles Linder's SoMa art studio.

A San Francisco resident says he doesn't know what else to do after unsuccessful calls to not only 311 and 911, but city officials, too.

An unhoused woman set up at the back entrance of his SoMa art studio, blocking the freight elevator with debris scattered everywhere just two weeks before his big art show.

"I'm just not sure what to do next," said San Franciscan Charles Linder.

Linder is basically begging the city of San Francisco for help.

"It's become unattainable and the garbage seems to multiply by the day," said Linder.

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Linder's art gallery is called American.Messenger and is on the third floor of a building in SoMa.

He says the back entrance to his freight elevator has "literally been blockaded for more than a month."

He says an unhoused woman has set up outside, something that those in the neighborhood also acknowledge, and something ABC7 News witnessed when we arrived. While the thought is that many of the items are trash, the woman claims the items belong to her, so no cleanup has taken place.

"It feels in a way that the subject has more rights than I do. The agencies will come out, speak with her, and just leave," said Linder.

One thing noticeable when our ABC7 News crew was there, was the putrid smell of the debris, as if the items had been sitting out for long periods of time. Junk removal companies have refused to collect the items.

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The Department of Public Works hasn't responded to ABC7's questions, but the fire department says they have submitted a fire prevention complaint about the situation. Police say no actionable crime has been committed even though other unhoused individuals in the neighborhood told ABC7 that drugs are being used.

"It's an active fentanyl camp out there," said Linder who has filed a restraining order against the woman. Deputies served her Thursday, but he's unsure if that will do anything.

Linder is hosting a special art show on July 4. Some of his items are already on display and additional artists will soon be bringing in their works of art, too.

"I have to have that ADA access and the freight elevator access to do business here," said Linder.

He says not being able to access the elevator could impact the show and he's now just hoping for help.

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