OUSD votes to move forward with plans to close schools despite heavy pushback

Wednesday, June 29, 2022
OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- Heated moments at the Oakland Unified School District meeting Wednesday night, with at least one person leaving the audience area to confront board members.

Following months of debate and several votes, the board once again decided to proceed with the closure of several schools in the district starting this fall.

"I do not believe we have the resources to maintain the number of schools that we have and the footprint. It stretches our resources too thin," said board member, Aimee Eng.

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Some members of the board say, although difficult, the closures are necessary due to the school district's budget deficit.

They point to the fact that even with an infusion of one-time money expected to come in soon, the long-term health of the district remains bleak without the closures.

But that message wasn't well received by some in the community.

RELATED: Preliminary list of Oakland school closures released without consent of OUSD

Both at the meeting, and also on the ground.

In late May, a group of parents from Parker Elementary in East Oakland began a sit-in protest on school grounds.

"Me and a group of mothers and a group of children and community members decided to not leave, to stay and occupy the school," said parent Azlinah Tambu.

But with Wednesday's meeting the last of the year for the OUSD board, some schools at least, look like they'll be shutting their doors for good.

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