'I'm afraid now for my son:' SF Armenian school vandalized with hateful graffiti

"I'm disturbed, and I'm very disappointed. Thank God the students are not here to see this," the school's principal said.

Luz Pena Image
Saturday, July 25, 2020
'I'm afraid now for my son:' SF Armenian school vandalized with hateful graffiti
San Francisco's Armenian School Krouzian-Zekarian-Vasbouragan was vandalized overnight, raising concerns among parents.

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- San Francisco's Armenian School Krouzian-Zekarian-Vasbouragan was vandalized overnight, raising concerns among parents.

"I'm afraid now for my son, our kids who go to this school and are Americans," said parent Liana Movsesian.

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Hateful and racist graffiti covered the walls of San Francisco's KZV Armenian School reminding many of what they fled from.

"We became victims of the hateful crimes that happened in Azerbaijan and we ended up as refugees," said Movsesian.

Grace Andonian, KZV's principal released video surveillance to San Francisco Police showing multiple men vandalizing the school property around 2 am.

"I'm disturbed, and I'm very disappointed. Thank God the students are not here to see this," said Andonian.

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It's an attack that the schools alumni turned into an opportunity for unity. Raising their flag high, dancing for peace and covering the front of the school with a banner that read, "Armenians stand against hate."

"To stand together and to show the world that they can graffiti our school and say whatever they want, but at the end of the day, we stand together," said alum, Raffi Samurkashiam.

Haig Baghdassarian with the Armenian National Committee of America, Western Region, says this is not an isolated attack, "Throughout the world, including in Russia, Ukraine, Germany. Now, it's landed on our shore."

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This conflict points to years of tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

"Azerbaijan is also a Turkish nation for those who don't know. They clearly left their signature with their red, blue and green flag. Clearly spread all over our school. It's an intimidation tactic," said Baghdassarian.

Baghdassarian also questioning if the attack was in response to the latest congressional action, "Congress took an action yesterday to de-mining efforts in the region of Artsakh, which Azerbaijan claims to be its own. Even though the people declared independence."

San Francisco District Attorney, Chesa Boudin calling this act "inconsistent with San Francisco values," and adding, "It is also a crime."

Boudin confirmed San Francisco Police is investigating the attack.

"In Armenian Hye means Armenian, and so we always say: "when they go low, we go Hye," said KZV alum, Sanan Panossian.

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