Want to try out a new sport? Dig your heels into log rolling!

ByJonathan Bloom, via
Monday, May 14, 2018
Want to try out a new sport? Dig your heels into log rolling!
It's a sport that dates back to the days of lumberjacks floating giant logs down a river -- but now, you can try out a new, high-tech version.

VALLEJO, Calif. (KGO) -- Abby Delaney is carrying on a tradition - log rolling.

"Log rolling is a really unique, traditional sport that has a really rich history," she says. "It's a sport that came out of a way of life, out of the logging industry."

Since real logs are too heavy to lift into a pool, Delaney's team invented a plastic log that's filled with water.

Watch the video above to see this unique sport in action!

Click here to learn more about how Delaney is bringing log rolling to the Bay Area.

VIDEO: World champion log roller brings her sport to Vallejo

It's a sport that dates back to the days of lumberjacks floating giant logs down a river -- but now, a new high-tech version is coming to the Bay Area, at the Cunningham pool in Vallejo.
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