Shuttered Bayfair mall in San Leandro turns to tech to revitalize, adds drone and biotech companies

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Shuttered Bayfair mall in San Leandro turns to tech to revitalize
San Leandro's Bayfair Center is seeing new life with the addition of nano-drone company Vantage Robotics and biotech company Berkeley Yeast.

SAN LEANDRO, Calif. (KGO) -- A closed East Bay mall is reimagining itself as a tech hub.

The anticipation and buzz at Vantage Robotics in San Leandro isn't just over the company's tiny new nano-drone, but over the space the tech company has chosen to grow in.

"It was strange to begin with for many people. But once they saw the setup, it made sense," said Vijay Santhakumar, vice president of Operations and Hardware.

When the Bayfair Mall closed inside last year -- along with anchor tenant, Macy's, this past spring -- the property was reimagined into 4,000 square feet of flexible production and R&D space. Vantage Robotics now does its manufacturing, research, shipping and more from a former bookstore.

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"We've settled in pretty well," Santhakumar said.

The company used to be headquartered in a traditional office facility. But when this mall property became available, the obvious benefit was not only roof access and open space but the large former mall atrium, which is perfect for drone flying.

Santhakumar says public transportation with BART and bus service nearby was also a benefit.

Down the hall from Vantage is biotech company Berkeley Yeast. Passersby can witness workers tending to beermaking tools through giant windows. They, too, saw the mall as a way to upgrade their operations.

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"We have great windows. It lets a lot of light in," said Rachel Li, vice president of Operations and cofounder of the company.

Vantage Robotics hopes it will serve as an example to others considering moving in.

"A lot of people who have come here and seen this, they have started reenvisioning how a tech company can be," Santhakumar said.

He and his colleagues are also hoping for a food court soon.

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