Paralyzed dog abandoned by owner walking again thanks to rescue shelter

ByRachel Schwartz KGO logo
Monday, October 6, 2014
(Animal Haven)
Animal Haven

A pit bull mix that was abandoned by her owner when her back legs became paralyzed is walking again and looking for a new home.

Lucy, a 10-year-old pit bull mix, found herself at the Animal Haven shelter in New York after being abandoned at emergency veterinary hospital in June. She was brought in by her owner, but while she was being examined, her owner left and never returned.

The vets determined that Lucy had intervertebral disc disease, which had paralyzed her back legs. She was given a 50-50 chance of being able to walk again.

Lucy underwent surgery three months ago, and while it was a long recovery, she is once again walking, running and playing like the happy dog she's always been.

Now Lucy is looking for a forever home.

"I feel like a lot of people are still a little bit nervous about her recovery," Animal Haven Executive Director Tiffany Lacey said. "She's a senior dog, so they're harder to place, so we haven't had a lot of interest in her, unfortunately."

Lacey says Lucy is sweet and affectionate and loves to be snuggled, but probably needs to be in a single dog household.

Check out the video below to see Lucy in action!

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Photos used with permission.