Eating just one slice of bacon a day linked to higher risk of colorectal cancer, study says

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Friday, April 19, 2019
Eating just one slice of bacon a day linked to higher risk of colorectal cancer, says study
Eating just one slice of bacon a day linked to higher risk of colorectal cancer, says study. Jim Gardner has more on Action News at 11 p.m. on April 17, 2019.

A study claims eating one slice of bacon a day could increase your risk of cancer.

Researchers tracked nearly half of a million adults in the United Kingdom for five years, KCCI reports.

They found for every 25 grams of processed meats like sausage or bacon eaten every day, a person's risk of colorectal cancer went up 20-percent.

Twenty-five-grams is about 0.8 ounces and roughly equates to a thin slice of bacon.

Red meat also caused an increase in risk, but it took a larger amount for the same effect.

Researchers discovered when a person ate just over an ounce and a half of red meat, their cancer risk increased by 19 percent.

A typical hamburger is about four ounces of meat.

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