Recycling Right with Oakland Recycles: Composting Edition

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Friday, May 24, 2024
Recycling Right: Composting Edition
Oakland Recycles makes composting a breeze with these tips from the pros.

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- Did you know that putting food scraps, food-soiled paper, and plant debris in the compost cart can help slow climate change?

Oakland Recycles makes composting a breeze with these tips from the pros.

"When you throw your organic material like food scraps food, soil, paper and yard debris into the trash bin, it goes to the landfill and creates methane, a harmful greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change," Cameron Martin, the WM Recycling Education Representative. "That's why we want to put our organic materials into the compost bin."

Only three groups of items should go into your green cart - food scraps, food-soiled paper and plant debris.

Food scraps: Fruit and vegetable cuttings, meats, and bones, eggshells, cheeses, and breads.

Food-soiled paper: Used napkins and paper towels, greasy pizza boxes, unlined paper-to-go boxes, coffee filters, and tea bags.

Plant Debris: Grass clippings, branches, leaves, and cut flowers.

Your compostable material goes to an organics processing facility where it comes back as compost for gardens and farms.

Putting food scraps and plant debris is good for the environment, and it's also mandated by state and local laws.

For more information about how to correctly compost watch the video above and visit here for more information.

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