EXCLUSIVE: San Mateo Co. sheriff's chief of staff answers calls to resign, shares his side of story

Saturday, November 23, 2024
EXCLUSIVE: San Mateo Co. sheriff chief of staff shares his side
The man at the center of the storm around San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus, Victor Aenlle, gives his side of the story amid an investigation.

SAN MATEO COUNTY, Calif. (KGO) -- The man at the center of the storm around San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus is giving his side of the story.

He says the scathing report against the sheriff and her administration is built on lies. But that report has led to a criminal investigation and calls for the sheriff to resign. I-Team reporter Dan Noyes has the exclusive interview.

DAN NOYES: "Why talk now to me?"

VICTOR AENLLE: "I think this is the right time. I wanted the truth to come out."

The sheriff's chief of staff says supporters of the old sheriff are telling lies to bring Corpus down and to stop the change that she's bringing to the department.

TIMELINE: San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus investigation

Sheriff Christina Corpus told us earlier this week she's known Victor Aenlle for 17 years and that "we are colleagues. I consider him a trusted confidant, a friend."

DAN NOYES: "During all that time, did you and her ever become romantic?"


DAN NOYES: "There's never been physical contact or a dating relationship?"


EXCLUSIVE: San Mateo Co. sheriff says she's 'disgusted,' won't resign amid accusations

The long-time realtor became indispensable during Corpus' campaign for sheriff; he appeared at a kickoff event with the candidate. But, the audit commissioned by the county and performed by retired Santa Clara County Judge LaDoris Cordell cites one current employee at the Millbrae sheriff's substation. She says when Corpus worked there before she became sheriff, the employee saw her and Aenlle kissing, giving each other massages, and making flirty jokes that made her uncomfortable. Corpus--and now Aenlle--says that's a lie.

VICTOR AENLLE: "And, I'm done with that. And, I'm done, because this has been played over and over just to smear her name."

DAN NOYES: "I did notice, and I've reported that most of the accusations in terms of you and the sheriff being romantic came from a single employee."


VICTOR AENLLE: "I don't want to get into employee issues. I'm saying that her statements are not truthful. I believe she had an agenda behind them."

DAN NOYES: "So, let's talk about those 40 people that Judge Cordell interviewed. Are you saying that most of those are supporters of the former sheriff, Bolanos?"

VICTOR AENLLE: "Absolutely. I'm saying that. And a few of them are scared for their job, because if you don't kiss the ring in this county, they will push you out right now."

RELATED: San Mateo Co. captains call for Sheriff Christina Corpus to resign amid misconduct allegations

Aenlle was third-in-line as civilian chief of staff, reporting to Undersheriff Dan Perea. From those interviews, the Cordell report concluded Aenlle had major influence over the sheriff.

"Obviously doesn't feel good," Aenlle said. "It's disappointing. I think the people that are there know the truth and know what's been done to this point."

The report found that Aenlle may have committed a misdemeanor crime, and that the sheriff could face a misdemeanor charge for giving it to him. Aenlle's badge has a "chief of staff" bar at the top.

"I believe Judge Cordell is out of line," Aenlle said. "Before she made those negligent statements, she should have checked."

Aenlle provided his training records that show he's a reserve deputy for the department, has all the training of a fulltime sworn officer. He also worked at the department's firing range as an instructor for nine years. Video can be seen of him teaching County Supervisor Noelia Corzo to shoot. She's now his biggest detractor.

RELATED: San Mateo Co. supervisors move to let voters decide on Sheriff Christina Corpus's future

"So, she's very concerned that she's coming up for reelection and she has no money," Aenlle said. "So, I've been told that she's made some deals with certain people. I don't know. I don't know if that's factual or not, that they're going to fund her. And that's why she's doing this. She's disclosed this to a number of people."

Aenlle told us his work as a realtor and in personal protection stopped when Corpus brought him on as chief of staff. Dan Noyes also asked about expensive gifts the report accuses him of giving the sheriff.

DAN NOYES: "Did you buy $11,000 diamond earrings and Louboutin boots for the sheriff?"


DAN NOYES: "Where'd that come from?"

VICTOR AENLLE: "I have no idea."

RELATED: Several resignations come in fallout of accusations against San Mateo Co. Sheriff Christina Corpus

We also asked about Donald Trump's Sept. 12 fundraising visit to Woodside. The report says the campaign staff allowed the sheriff to designate two people for a photo with the now president-elect. She picked a captain and a deputy. An FBI agent claims Aennle approached, identified himself as chief of staff, and said, "Who? A deputy getting a photo over me?" The report says he made a scene until he was allowed to take this picture.

"The main guy who was running the security, I knew him very well," Aenlle said. "So you just come on line, come in the line and take a picture with us and whatever else. And, and ended up there. The guy comes up to me, he goes, 'Hey, you're not on the list.' I'm like, 'yeah.' 'Who are you?' 'So, I'm the chief of staff. I'm, I'm here taking place on the sheriff.' OK, now let's on, 'Whatever, just move forward.'"

With all of this flack, with calls from the Board of Supervisors, the deputy sheriff's union, and the captains' call for the sheriff and her chief of staff to resign, Victor Aenlle says he will not.

"I think the residents of this county deserve more. And that's what Sheriff Corpus has been fighting for. And in my opinion, I continue to encourage her and support her because at the end of all this, she's going to be victorious," Aenlle said.

Supervisor Corzo texted Dan Noyes to say "it's unequivocally false" that she's receiving any financial support to pursue these accusations.

Aenlle complains that Judge Cordell did little to verify the claims.

One person who witnessed many of these alleged interactions was Undersheriff Dan Perea, and he was not interviewed for the audit.

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