SAN JOSE (KGO) -- A San Jose family is hoping the burglars who stole at least $10,000 worth of items will be caught. That's why they're trying to share the video of the crime with as many people as possible.
According to crime maps there have been four reported burglaries in this area in just the past week. One family has collected a lot of evidence. Including surveillance video of the burglary, but aren't convinced the criminals are going to be caught.
Ananth Kini and his wife Asha Kamath realized the American dream about six months ago, buying their first home off of Remington Way in the Evergreen neighborhood. But what happened on Tuesday has turned it into a nightmare.
"I told my husband maybe we should have just lived in a high rise condo or something where there's security and people always around us," said Asha.
No one was home on May 5 when burglars shattered their sense of security. In surveillance video showing their house from across the street you can see a man on a bike circling on Remington Way at 4:34 in the afternoon. Less than 30 seconds later, you see a bike pull into the driveway.
About an hour later, a convertible white car pulls into the driveway. A man with a ponytail gets out, a short time later he comes out with a 47 inch flat screen TV. He can't stuff it into the car, so the driver, a woman, gets out, helps take down the convertible top and drives off.
You can also see a red car driven by Asha. She just got home from work and called the police. When she went inside she saw what was missing -- close to $10,000 worth of valuables including the TV, computers, hard drives with all their pictures and her engagement ring.
"And then I saw the pouch was missing and it was really heartbreaking. Even if you buy a new one it wouldn't have the same sentimental value of the other one," said Asha.
The couple says San Jose police responded and took fingerprints. Ananth and Asha say they also gave information on the plate number, identified the vehicle as a 2001 white Mustang convertible with black rims and handed over surveillance video and pictures they received from neighbors. While they say the investigators were nice. They were also told no one was assigned to this case. And the two officers in the burglary unit are on patrol because of short staffing in the department.
"They just don't have the tools available to go after them aggressively. So that keeps these guys in the streets a lot more. I think it's going to be a hard time to feel safe anymore," said Ananth.
The family does have insurance, but obviously there are some things that you can't replace.