Look and feel great during pregnancy

Tips for making your pregnancy more comfortable:

a. A bag of hard licorice candies to battle morning sickness. - Morning sickness strikes almost all pregnant women in their first trimester and even though you feel nauseous, there are some things that will make you feel better...good enough to get out of bed even.

b. A bag of trail mix or nuts to snack on when pregnancy hunger strikes and healthy options aren't available. - You've never been hungry like this before, believe me. Hunger can strike anywhere and you need a food fix fast. Trail mix and has protein and sweetness to curb your hunger, is totally portable, and won't mess up your handbag.

c. A rich moisturizer created for pregnant skin. - I like Curel's Nurturing Comfort Moisture Cream. Skin gets tight and itchy as it stretches. Ingredients like shea butter and vitamin E will help to soothe and will increase elasticity of the skin, helping to smooth stretch marks. In all your moisturizers make sure they are paraben-free.

c. A body pillow to sleep with at night for extra support in growing places. - Before you're pregnant you probably have never seen these kinds of pillows. It is shaped to support your growing belly and aching back. Many pregnant women have trouble sleeping because they can't get comfortable. This pillow is a lifesaver. You'll be able to sleep better and not be so cranky every morning.

d. A paper fan to keep cool and minimize flushing. - Cheap and chic, fans can slip into your purse and relieve you when that heatwave (that no one else can seem to feel) hits during the later stages of pregnancy.

e. Powder and or deodorant for areas that chafe. - When you're pregnant it's not just your belly that gets bigger. Your thighs might begin to rub against each other and your swelling breasts will definitely be larger. This can cause chafing from the skin on skin contact. Deodorant or baby powder will keep your skin smooth and dry and reduce rashes caused by chafing.

f. A good, safe sunscreen - You should be wearing this anyway, but excessive sun exposure can aggravate he chloasma, also known as the mask of pregnancy, a pigment darkening common on pregnant women's faces.

Buy the book on Amazon: The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy

About Vicki Lovine:
Vicki is the happy and chronically overwhelmed mother of four. The Girlfriends' Guide To Pregnancy is so tremendously popular that it has been reprinted 41 times and translated into 12 languages! She's been a columnist for several magazines including a monthly column for Redbook and a weekly column devoted to family life in the LA Times. She was previously the parenting editor for The Today Show and has appeared several times on "Oprah, Good Morning America, The Morning Show with Mike & Juliet and The View. She is REALLY energetic and amazing on air. She has a series of books, other Girlfriend's Guides for other stages in your life.

For more information about pregnancy, visit www.revolutionhealth.com/healthy-living/pregnancy.

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