Lawmakers get look at bin Laden death photos


Several lawmakers serving on two House and two Senate committees were invited by the CIA to see the photos at its headquarters. The 15 pictures were taken within minutes after the Navy Seals shot and killed bin Laden. They are described as graphic, showing bin Laden with a bullet wound in the head.

Napa congressman Mike Thompson saw the photos and still believes they should not be released.

"To release those photographs, certainly at this time, would put the men and women serving our country at added risk," he said. "I don't think that's appropriate, and I think releasing those photographs would create an incredible recruiting opportunity for al-Qaeda."

Several media organizations are seeking access to the photos. They have filed Freedom of Information Act requests with the White House, the CIA and the Pentagon. Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi may yet see the photos, but Congressman John Garamendi says there's no need -- he is convinced bin Laden is dead.

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