NEW YORK -- Cue the cheesy opening; it's time for "Bachelor in Paradise!" Fan favorites arrived in Mexico for a second chance at love. Check out the list of people that were first to arrive in "Paradise". Amanda arrived first, and then Nick. Let's hope the third time is the charm for him! Amanda called Nick "a 10" and found him to be really cool, and smooth. She said that she hopes he's not a "heartbreaker". Then Jubilee walked in, followed by Evan. Evan immediately had an attraction to Amanda as she is a fellow parent. Vinny arrived next with new hair, which looked much better! Carly was back for another try at love after being dumped inexplicably by Kirk last season. Grant the firefighter was out next followed by Daniel the Canadian, who was disappointed by the crop of contestants so far. He called them "poodles". People were actually optimistic about meeting Chad, but they would soon change their minds.
Sarah with one arm was out next and she is hoping that this time, she will find love! Vinny said that he thought that she was "beautiful" while Daniel wasn't impressed and thought they all looked "worn out". He's harsh! The twins joined the group next and they struck Daniel's fancy right away. He went full Canadian accent while trying to impress Emily while they walked on the beach. Izzy arrived and no one remembered her from Ben's season and she was interested in getting to know Daniel right away. They had the most awkward conversation about Evan for some reason. Crazy Lace came out next and everyone was a little concerned about her after how she was portrayed on Ben's season, but she says she has made a lot of progress and is ready to show it off. Grant thought that she was hot, but he said he feels sorry for anyone who would try to have a relationship with her. Jared came back for another season after his disastrous relationship with Ashley I. Jubilee said that he was the one guy she was really looking forward to meeting.
Last but certainly not least, Chad made his grand entrance. He claims that he refuses to be fake, but wants to meet a girl and that's his goal. Daniel hugged him and said, "Come to papa!" Izzy thought he was really hot. Most of the ladies were instantly intrigued and wanted to see if there was more to this bad boy than eating deli meat. He even seemed to make peace with Evan to start off. The group called Daniel and Chad the first couple to hit it off in "Paradise" and even Carly joked that Daniel and Chad were "in love".
Chris Harrison walked in and gathered the group to welcome them to "Paradise" and explain the rules. The group then walked off to find their bunks and see where they would be staying/sleeping. While Chad was checking out where his protein was in the fridge, Evan peeked in his bag and found a "meat mill." First off, he shouldn't be going through his bag, unless he wants to get punched in the face.
The first date card arrived and it was for Jubilee, "Choose the man you want to hit it off with," it read. She went over to Jared and asked him if he'd like to go on her date with her. He said "Yes!" Then Grant and Lace began their complicated relationship. He can't help himself! They already were bickering within 10 minutes of talking to each other.
Lace went over and asked Chad if she could see his softer side and he said ok, "let's go cuddle." Maybe they could be a better match? Crazy with crazy? Next thing you know, they are making out in the hot tub! Then he called her a "*itch" when she spilled his drink, but then they start drinking and making out more! The group was like, they are the kind of people who like to get sexual and slap each other around at the same time. They are all sitting around and waiting to see how this situation combusts. Daniel tried to interrupt a bit, but Chad ignored him and started making out with Lace again. He was happy for his buddy. The editor blurred out her butt, so I'm wondering what Lace was or wasn't wearing. Then Lace and Chad started calling each other like dogs and she refused to get on the bed on the beach with him. Instead, they fell into the ocean kissing. Carly said they seemed to be attracted to each other's chaos. She added, "That can't be love, right?"
Let's switch gears to Jubilee and Jared's date. They met up at a table that was surrounded by piñatas. She said that she liked how nice he is and nerdy also. Jared talked to her about her love for "Lord of the Rings." While they were sitting around talking, a clown crept up on their dinner! He gave them sticks to hit the piñatas with. Oddly, that's all we saw of this date, maybe we'll get more details about what happened on it during the next episode.
Back at the beach, Vinny and Izzy appeared to be an item! They had a fun time flirting and holding each other in the water, but he hadn't yet kissed her. Izzy made the first move! He said it's a big thing to kiss someone and he does have feelings invested already.
Meantime, Lace and Chad continued to hit each other, call each other names, and make out. The more they drank the worse it got. Then they started fighting for real after about two hours and Lace told him to go away. It went very fast from high to low. Lace said that she didn't like how mean he was to her and she's done with him, but Chad wasn't giving up on her so easily.
Daniel tried to tell Chad that he was worrying everyone and acting crazy. He said, "They think you're the Hannibal Lecter." He was insanely drunk and Sarah had enough. She said that she didn't want someone to give out a rose who was talking that way about the women there. He called her a "one-armed *itch." The other ladies were horrified. Everyone got up and walked away from Chad. Sarah walked into the beach house crying. Evan went over to talk to him and Chad pushed him. Seriously that guy has a death wish. Daniel tried to talk sense into him, but Chad wouldn't listen to him. He even started swatting at Daniel who told him that he will knock him out if he needs to. Eventually, Chad passed out by the pool as a crab nuzzled up to him while he snored.
Chad somehow woke up in his bed, and surprise, he was naked. He didn't even know why. Apparently he pooped his pants as a result of his drunken behavior. Ew. Everyone gave him the cold shoulder in the morning. Chris Harrison showed up and called everyone inside. He asked Chad what happened. Sarah said that she was offended and Lace said that she was offended too. Sarah said that she actually hates Chad. "In a matter of one night you have turned this into hell," Chris said. He told him that he was belligerent to the staff of the hotel and that he said "Suck a ****." With that, Chris Harrison asked Chad to leave! But he refused! He couldn't believe that Chris was sending him home, he said that the group was oversensitive over a few "jokes" and the other guys jumped in and said it was more than that and he was awful to the women there. He tried to blame Lace, but there was clearly much more that happened than just the situation with her. As he walked way he left his flip flops and said, "Why are there crabs everywhere, **** you crabs." The producers told him he had to leave. Chris Harrison begged him to leave and he continued to walk through the production staff's quarters and Chad told Chris to leave him alone.
The show ended with "To Be Continued" so I guess we'll be seeing more of Chad because he returns to torment everyone. But there is some good news, Josh Murray shows up and it looks like he's after Nick's girl yet again. Plus, Ashley I. and Caila will return to fight over Jared.