CHP officers herd dozens of goats away from Caldecott Tunnel

Wednesday, June 8, 2016
CHP herds goats away from Caldecott Tunnel
CHP officers were forced to herd a group of goats off the street near the Caldecott Tunnel.

ORINDA, Calif. (KGO) -- It was an unusual sight in the East Bay -- CHP officers were forced to herd dozens of goats near the Caldecott Tunnel Wednesday morning.

The CHP says about 50 grazing goats broke free, forcing officers to corral the animals off Highway 24 around 1 a.m.

They were "detained" at a nearby Caltrans yard.

One goat was hurt during the Great Escape but it expected to be OK.

The fourth bore of the Caldecott was closed for about half an hour Wednesday morning to make sure all the animals were accounted for.

They are now back with their owner.

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