Beloved Lafayette elementary school custodian honored at assembly

Amy Hollyfield Image
ByAmy Hollyfield KGO logo
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Beloved Lafayette school custodian honored at assembly
A longtime elementary school custodian in Lafayette who's beloved by students, staff, and parents was thrown a retirement party fit for a king.

LAFAYETTE, Calif. (KGO) -- A school custodian in Lafayette received a retirement party fit for a king on Wednesday. After 25 years, he was literally declared "King for the Day."

He thought he was there for just another school assembly; one of many he's attended and cleaned up after in his 25 years at Springhill Elementary School. But on Wednesday, Quan Ngyuen was surprised to find out he was the guest of honor.

"Today we are going to honor a very special person, do you know who that is?" asked Parent Faculty Club President Sara Carter. To which the kids yelled enthusiastically, "Quan!"

Nguyen is retiring as the custodian of Springhill Elementary. After 25 years behind the scenes, he was front and center and showered with love.

"You are going to be so missed and you are so loved," one parent said.

The tributes were heartfelt and numerous. Nguyen smiled with his wife by his side as students, teachers, and parents shared their stories about the beloved custodian. The music teacher even led the students in a song written about him.

The principal crowned him "King for the Day," but the real surprise was saved till the end. They presented him with a huge check from parent donations.

"It's a $10,000 check," said one parent.

"I'll take it!" said Nguyen with a big smile.

Parents who don't even have children there anymore made sure to donate to the fund and also contributed to a thank you book for the man who cleaned up after their children.

After the ceremony, ABC7 News asked him he will do with the money. He said he'd never before received a check for that much money.

"Maybe when I retire (and) travel to see my family back home and, uh, enjoy the rest of my life," he said.

Quan Nguyen, who's retiring from Springhill Elementary School in Lafayette, Calif. after 25 years, received a check for $10,000 at a retirement party on June 3, 2015.

Nguyen knows the name of almost every child in the school. He says the school feels like a second home to him and he will definitely miss it.

"I think I was born and then always in here the children," he said while pointing to his heart, "I love children."

Nguyen didn't let being "King for the Day" go to his head. After the ceremony he continued to work a normal day. It's one of his last at the school.

He says that when he does retire and walk away, he plans to come back and visit.