Formerly homeless Hayward teen accepted to Ivy League school

Lyanne Melendez Image
Monday, June 2, 2014
Kyle Evans studying

HAYWARD, Calif. (KGO) -- One year ago, Kyle Evans and his family were homeless, living in their car and in cheap motels. But that didn't keep Kyle from his studies and now he's been accepted into his dream Ivy League school -- Brown University.

"It was my dream school, so I was really, really excited. I started jumping up and down and screaming and yelling," Kyle said.

He proudly showed us his acceptance letter to Brown University. It wasn't the only college eager to enroll the 18-year-old from Hayward.

"I lost my job, our house got foreclosed on," Kyle's father Lewis Evans said.

"I would like sit in the car and study and read," Kyle said.

Kyle, along with his younger sister and parents moved from one motel to another.

"I think I used it as a tool to push myself even more and to accomplish more. I didn't let it bring me down. I wanted to use it to propel myself," Kyle said.

Despite his situation, Kyle maintained his good grades, graduating with a 3.7 grade point average.

His father has since gone back to work and they have moved into transitional housing thanks to an organization called B.O.S.S., which stands for Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency.

"This place provides just an opportunity, a chance to save, a chance for family to be together and love each other and people get opportunities," Calvin Walker, from BOSS, said.

Brown University has given Kyle a scholarship and a chance to study medicine. He said, "I want to be a pediatric surgeon, that's my career goal. I think it's possible, actually I know it's going to happen."