Kaitlyn 'The Bachelorette' goes wedding dress shopping with Jimmy Kimmel

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015
When Kaitlyn 'The Bachelorette' went shopping for a wedding dress, she turned to Jimmy Kimmel for help finding the one.
creativeContent-Jimmy Kimmel Live/YouTube

On the heels of the big announcement during The Bachelorette finale that she is engaged to Shawn B., Kaitlyn Bristowe has a lot of planning to do. Picking out a wedding dress is a special milestone for a future bride, so Kaitlyn naturally invited someone special to help her out: Jimmy Kimmel.

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Jimmy and his "little sweetheart" of a security guard, Guillermo, tag along to give their advice as Kaitlyn tries on dresses. Guillermo says that any dress would look good on Kaitlyn, but when she starts modeling the two get critical, wanting Kaitlyn to look her best on her big day.

After Kaitlyn tries on a few, it's the "bridesmaids" turn. Kaitlyn is a little kinder about the dresses that Jimmy and Guillermo try on.

"It really brings out your chest hair," she tells them.

By the end of the outing, all three fashionistas say "jes" to the dress.