Final preparations underway for Super Bowl 50

ByElissa Harrington KGO logo
Friday, February 5, 2016
Final preparations underway for Super Bowl 50
Lady Gaga and anyone else coming anywhere near the site of the Super Bowl are under the close eye of a huge federal and local police presence.

SANTA CLARA, Calif. (KGO) -- Lady Gaga and anyone else coming anywhere near the site of the Super Bowl 50 are under the close eye of a huge federal and local police presence. It's security like the Bay Area has never seen before.

WATCH RAW VIDEO: Lady Gaga rehearses at Levi's Stadium

On Sunday, tens of thousands will gather for Super Bowl 50. Huge stars like Beyonce, and Coldplay will perform at the halftime show.

Neighbors of Levi's Stadium say despite the fanfare down the road -- it's a normal day, but road closures pose a challenge.

"It's kind of crazy especially with road closures happening and trying to get kids to and from school. It's been a little challenging," said Kimberly Khalid, neighbor.

WATCH RAW VIDEO: Snoop Dogg talks Super Bowl 50 in Santa Clara

Steve Gasparovic said he was hoping to rent out his place for the weekend. It's been on Airbnb for weeks.

"Waiting for my big pay day right next to the stadium and it's not happening. And to add to the frustration the homeowners calls me and tells me I can't rent it anyway," said Steve Gasparovic, Santa Clara resident

He even lowered the price, but suspects most visitors choose to stay in San Francisco, where there's Super Bowl city events. He says that flop is actually a relief, he'll be able to watch the game from his own living room.

PHOTOS:The Bay Area hosts Super Bowl 50

"You know it's the 50th anniversary so it's kind of historic so my girlfriend and I are just going to walk around and take it all in," said Gasparovic.

The county also says all preps are on schedule and they're ready for Super Bowl Sunday.

Click here for full coverage on Super Bowl 50.