Trump Supporters Stand by Their Man Amid Onslaught

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Donald Trump has been condemned from both sides of the political spectrum for his proposal to temporarily keep Muslims who are non-U.S. citizens out of the country, but many of his supporters are standing by him.

One supporter from Florida who attended a campaign rally in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, Monday night said the recent terrorist attacks were motivation for supporting Trump's proposed policy.

"Look what's going on over in Paris and what went on in San Bernardino," Edward Garcia said. "We have to be vigilant and stand up to them. It's very important."

JoAnn Waller, who has attended previous events for Trump, was also in attendance Monday night. She said she "liked what he said about Muslims."

"It's not that I'm against Muslims," she said. "I think it's important to get control and understand what is going on."

Chris Posa, who lives in Manning, South Carolina, said he wasn't sure about "a complete ban," as Trump suggested Monday night, but "a screening process is definitely in order."

During a phone interview today on "Good Morning America," Trump clarified that U.S. citizens who are Muslim who travel abroad and wish to return to the United States would be allowed back in the country.

Trump said there were "thousands" of people at the Monday rally who supported the proposal. "Frankly, it was a standing ovation that wouldn't stop," he said today.

Trump's statements have also found support from people in Iowa, another important early-voting state. Hal Snedeker spoke to ABC News saying he supports the proposed ban and said he's "not sure I could like him any more" than he already does.

"My reaction was I thought it was a good idea," Snedeker said today of the ban. "Until we come up with a proper way to vet these people, I mean, I'd rather err on the side of caution than see any more innocent people get killed. This is ridiculous.

"I don't believe that all Muslims are bad. I just think that for a while we need to figure out how to vet these people properly before we say, 'Ah, come on over,'" he said.

"It isn't like they're wearing badges that say 'I am a terrorist' or 'I am a Muslim' you know. When you can figure out who the good ones and the bad ones are just by looking at them, let somebody know because you're going to be in demand."

But Iowan Jeryl Laffoon said Trump's statements are counter to U.S. values.

"Our country is not based on that kind of thing ...we're all immigrants unless you were a Native Indian. To ban people just because a few Muslims did things is not right," Laffoon, who is leaning toward supporting Trump's competitor Sen. Marco Rubio, told ABC today.

Even though many Republicans have come out against Trump, including the head of the Republican National Committee and the speaker of the House, the New York real estate magnate still has one famous face in his corner: Ann Coulter tweeted her support.

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