US Intel Chief James Clapper Says North Koreans 'Don't Have a Sense of Humor'

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper revealed in a speech at Fordham Law School in New York today that he saw "The Interview" over the weekend, admitting that "it's obvious to me the North Koreans don't have a sense of humor."

Clapper then turned serious and urged American retaliation for the attack against Sony related to the film and blamed on North Korea.

"We have to push back," Clapper said. "If they get global recognition with no consequence they'll do it again and again."

Clapper also spoke of his recent trip to North Korea to free two American hostages. He said he was berated about South Korean and U.S. aggression by the same general who he said would have authorized the attack against Sony. Clapper said the North Korean government believes it is "under siege from all directions" and uses the "cheap propaganda" tool of playing itself the constant victim of an imminent US attack.

"Cyber is a powerful new realm for them," Clapper said. "They can get recognition for their cyber capabilities" at low cost.

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