
Earthquake drills taking place around the world on anniversary of Loma Prieta earthquake

Thursday, October 17, 2019
Today is International Shakeout Day, a day to practice for a major earthquake and to get prepared.

A resource fair with exhibits and an earthquake simulator was available Thursday morning at the San Francisco's Civic Center plaza.
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"We hope a lot of people are testing their communication plans, thinking about their earthquake insurance policy, maybe even updating their disaster kits. But at the very least practice drop, cover, and hold on for a minute. Just drop onto your hands and knees, cover your head and neck, go to a desk or table if you can and hold on until the shaking stops," Said Jason Ballmann, communications manager for the Southern California earthquake center.

He says people he meets want to be prepared but often don't know where to start. He recommends going to and registering for a drill.

The earthquake simulator is a trailer you can climb into and experience what it feels like to experience a massive earthquake. But Ballmann says there is more to reacting than just dropping and covering and holding on.

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"After the shaking is over, that's actually when a lot of the injuries happen and problems start to arise. After you are done with drop, cover and hold on, get up slowly and carefully. Look above you, behind you, to your side. Things that were there before might have moved, shifted, fallen. Be very careful when you get up after a real earthquake. Move slowly and cautiously," he said.

Millions of residents statewide participated in the 12th annual Great California Shakeout earthquake drill on Thursday at 10:17 a.m.

This is the 30th anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake which was a 6.9. Experts say this is a good day to make sure you are prepared. Check your emergency kit and make sure it has battery-operated radios, flashlights with extra batteries, a three day supply of food and water for everyone in the family and a manual can opener.

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