Dr. Joshua Coleman, author of "When Parents Hurt," shared his advice with us for finding the right marriage balance.
For more information on his book, visit: www.whenparentshurt.com
Buy the book on Amazon: When Parents Hurt
About Dr. Coleman:
Joshua Coleman, Ph.D., is an internationally known expert in parenting, couples, families, and relationships. He serves on the board of The Council on Contemporary Families (a distinguished national organization of academics, researchers, and clinicians), and the training faculty of the San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group. He is the author of two critically acclaimed books: The Marriage Makeover and The Lazy Husband. His advice has been featured in the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, Family Circle, Men's Health, Psychology Today, Cosmopolitan, and many other venues, and has been a frequent contributor to The San Francisco Chronicle. He has appeared on 20/20, Good Morning America, The Today Show, and numerous news programs for FOX, ABC, and NBC, and CNN. He lives with his family in Orinda, CA.