San Rafael police have a game plan this week - to step up patrols in the areas where the incidents happen. Police are also working to get the word out to women. Especially those who live alone to make sure their doors and windows are locked up at night before they go to bed.
Police released a sketch of the man they believe victimized women in San Rafael. Police say he has struck three times since early July. Officers say the serial prowler looks for unlocked doors, then goes inside to steal items and grope women while they sleep.
The latest victim was a 56-year-old woman. Police say it happened in Vista Del Mar last week. This woman tells police she woke up to find a man touching her. Officers say she was able to chase him out of her home. But he also took off with $25,000 in jewelry and cash.
In all three cases, place say women were the target. Their homes were unlocked overnight and it happened while they were sleeping.
"We have no information on how he is casing the place or how he is determining that someone is alone. We don t know. The bottom line is everybody needs to be more secure and more aware; lock everything up, especially if you're alone," said Sgt. Mike Vigueroa, San Rafael police department.
No new leads have surfaced, police are also not sure if the prowler knows his victims.