Hydra Mendoza is a strong advocate and supporter of public education. She is a product of public schools, a parent of two children in public schools, a former preschool teacher and an education advisor.
Hydra was the former Executive Director and a founding member of Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco, a national organization who engages parents and community members to support, promote and improve public education. Under her leadership, Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco successfully moved towards greater reform in parent involvement, recruitment and enrollment, student health and nutrition, school site council's, and language immersion programs.
In 2006, Hydra successfully won a city-wide bid for a seat on the San Francisco Unified School Distirct Board of Education. She is the chair of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, and a member of the Curriculum and Program Committee and Ad Hoc Committee on Student Assignment. Hydra is the first Filipina elected to office in San Francisco.
For More Information: http://www.sfgov.org/site/mayor_page.asp?id=31129