Stories featured in this 7 On Your Side special (airdate: Sunday, April 11, 2010):
Michael Finney looks at the tax hit you could take if credit card companies forgive your debt.
>> FULL STORY: Credit card debt forgiveness comes at a price
When less salt is really more. 7 On Your Side blows the lid on faulty soup labels.
>> FULL STORY: Soup label conundrum: Less is sometimes more
A Livermore woman turned to 7 On Your Side when she couldn't make her father's dying wish come true.
>> FULL STORY: Collecting unclaimed can be an ordeal
An ingenuous product could bring some peace of mind and possibly reunite parents with their children.
>> FULL STORY: Temporary tattoos could reunite parents, kids
7 On Your Side has tips on how to shop smart and save big bucks on over-the-counter cough and cold medicines.
>> FULL STORY: Finding the best drugstore deals
If everyone loves their Snuggie so much, why are there complaints? 7 On Your Side investigates.
>> FULL STORY: Complaints over Snuggie ordering process
The best day to fly for price: Wednesday. Best day for no delays: Saturday. Best time of day here.
>> BLOG ENTRY: Best days to fly
What will you do with your tax refund? Here are your 5 best moves.
>> BLOG ENTRY: 5 best uses of your tax refund
Hotels are king at nickel and diming their guests. Here are the latest "gotcha" fees.
>> BLOG ENTRY: Nickel and diming hotel guests
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