About Frank Beddor: Frank is a highly respected and very successful film producer in L.A. ("There's Something About Mary", "Wicked", in addition to his recent involvement with the just announced Hasbro, Ridley Scott/Universal Pictures project based on the game of Monopoly) as well as being a NYTimes best selling children and young adult author. Frank has just released two books, "ArchEnemy" the third in his award-winning Looking Glass Wars trilogy (the first two installments spent 31 weeks on the NYTimes bestseller list--and are being made into a film with producing partner Charles Roven of The Dark Knight) Also just released, the second very successful young adult graphic novel entitled, "Hatter M Mad With Wonder!"
"ArchEnemy" and "Hatter M: Mad with Wonder" are available in bookstores everywhere. For more information on Frank Beddor, his "Looking Glass Wars" series of books, as well as the upcoming film and games go to