Experience historic quakes at new Academy of Sciences exhibit


Scenes of earthquake damage are not only part of the Bay Area's past, but with certainty, our future. It's an inconvenient truth that obligates us to prepare for the next big earthquake.

The new Earthquake exhibit at the Academy of Sciences is as exciting as it is educational. Scott Moran, director of exhibits, wants visitors to understand that earthquakes are actually part of a bigger process -- a process that has continued for hundreds of millions of years. Visitors will get a dynamic look at how earthquakes affect our planet. Over the eons, the shifting plates beneath us have had a profound effect on the evolution of all kinds of life -- and, more recently, on human existence.

A new earthquake simulator takes you back in time. "San Francisco is famous for earthquakes, so what better way than to actually be in a San Francisco Victorian and actually experience the 1989 earthquake and the 1906 earthquake," says Moran.

ABC7's Dan Ashley is the voice of the new Earthquake exhibit which opens May 26, 2012.

Learn more about the new Earthquake exhibit and planetarium show here.

Written and produced by Jennifer Olney.

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