People OK with using coupons on Valentine's Day

Jeff Nobbs' website has a special Valentine's Day section that offers cash back and other discounts. just issued a study showing what women want this Valentine's Day. About 75 percent are looking for a romantic dinner out, 74 percent want flowers, 73 percent are cool with any gift at all, while 61 percent want candy.

The good news? The lingering tough economy has changed expectations. Recipients are fine with gift givers using coupons.

"Not only is it not considered tacky, but 60 percent of respondents in our survey say it would be a misstep if the gift giver did not use some sort of coupon or try to get a deal," Nobbs said.

Although it is not simply the thought that counts, it is not the fat wallet that counts either. Women are so aware of the hard times that whipping out a coupon to offset the cost of even a fancy dinner is not a buzz kill.

"Over half of the respondents say they would prefer it if their date used a coupon during the date; and I find that number to be a little high, but the numbers don't lie," Nobbs said.

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