Politicians, citizens doubt Measure RR can fix BART

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ByAmy Hollyfield KGO logo
Monday, November 7, 2016
Politicians, citizens doubt Measure RR can fix BART
Politicians came out in droves Monday morning to make a final pitch for measure RR.

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- State and local political heavyweights are making their final push Monday morning for a transportation measure.

RELATED: California Voter's Edge Election Guide

Bay Area voters are being asked to pass a bond to improve BART's infrastructure.

It wasn't hard to find taxpayers who are against the measure. Three major newspapers came out against it, so some heavy hitters came together today to fight for it, calling it essential to the Bay Area's roads and economy.

A who's who list of politicians came together in Oakland Monday morning to make a final pitch for Measure RR, the BART $3.5 billion bond measure.

"We do not have the luxury not to pass measure RR. Too many hundreds of thousands of working people depend on its safety and viability every day," said State Senator Mark Leno, D-SAN FRANCISCO.

One politician wasn't there, State Sen. Steve Glaser who has 9 BART stations in his district. He says voters should hold out for a better measure that guarantees the money would go toward immediate system upgrades, not labor costs.

"We've had decades of irresponsible financial sending by BART and now they want to put a gun to our heads and say, 'you must pay or else,'" said Senator Steve Glazier, D-Walnut Creek.

His message seems to be resonating. The first two voters we asked both oppose Measure RR.

"They've been irresponsible with the money we have already given them," said Antioch resident Max Alfaro. "Taxes are already high. They don't need any more money. They need to work with what they have."

Marc Padua of San Francisco said, "I don't think BART needs any more money, cause I don't know. I don't think it's going to fix the BART with all the problems."

Measure RR would increase property taxes in San Francisco, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties for 48 years. Glazer has his own plan of what BART should do. Supporters of RR say the

44-year-old system needs help now.

"If you don't invest in the future, you aren't going to do very well there," said Leno.

The measure needs 2/3 of the vote to pass. San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee made a good point, you have to work hard to vote for the measure. It appears on the last page of this year's very long ballot.

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