Perrytstead Dairy supplies Philadelphia with unique blends of cheese

Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Perrytstead Dairy supplies Philadelphia with unique blends of cheese
Yoav Perry opened Perrystead Dairy with big plans. He now distributes to 60 stores locally and also offers boxes for pick up and delivery.

Philadelphia, Pa -- Yoav Perry opened Perrystead Dairy with big plans.

He is using local dairy to support Pennsylvania's rich dairy farm industry. He is creating cheese recipes that blend classic European techniques with styles that he's learned over two decades in the cheese-making industry.

Perry labels his technique as American cheese-making. His Kensington-based store has modern amenities with a shipping container specially designed to pasteurize the product and a temperature-controlled "cheese cave" where he ages his creations.

Perry distributes to 60 stores locally where you can buy his cheese and he also offers boxes for pick up and delivery. The boxes include special creations not available in the store.

Perrystead Dairy | Facebook | Instagram

1639 North Hancock Street, Ste 103, Philadelphia, PA 19122

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