Entire neighborhood syncs Christmas lights to popular songs

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Christmas lights
A neighborhood decorated and lighted for Christmas and for New Year Eve

YUCAIPA, CA -- We see them every year, those musically choreographed Christmas light displays to the hit songs of the year.

Well forget about single home showings. One neighborhood in Yucaipa, CA has just raised the bar.

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This year, 16 homes are synced up in the neighborhood to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra song "Wizards in Winter." The neighborhood's Facebook Page says Jeff Maxey shot the video of the lights at work using a personal drone.

This also isn't a one-hit wonder. The light's are set up to play a number of songs, including "All I Want for Christmas" by Mariah Carey.

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Have you seen a better Christmas light display? Let us know where in the comments below.