SANTA ROSA, Calif. (KGO) -- Former Raiders linebacker Jerry Robinson visited Santa Rosa's Elsie Allen High School to make the surprise announcement to Daniel Nguyen that he is the Raiders' Bay Area All-Star Scholarship Team recipient.
The announcement was made in the quad at lunchtime in front of a crowd of his classmates and teachers, as well as his parents.
Robinson also presented Nguyen with a $5,000 scholarship, which goes along with him being named this year's Raiders' BAASST Team recipient.
Nguyen plays on the rugby and wrestling teams and has a GPA of 4.67. He's attending Yale University in the fall.
The Bay Area All-Star Scholarships are awarded to seven successful Bay Area students. BAASST was formed in 1996 as a partnership among the Raiders, Warriors, A's, Sharks, 49ers, Giants and Earthquakes.