Merriam-Webster has added more than 840 new words to the dictionary.
According to their website, new words are added only when they have already been used by many people - often initially by specialists or subcultures.
Some new words already seem familiar. Others not so much.
Many new words come from the ever-evolving digital technology. Others are just abbreviated forms of words we use in casual speech and writing. The largest group of new words come from the food we eat.
Here is just a sampling:
airplane mode: an operating mode for an electronic device in which the device does not connect to wireless networks and cannot send or receive communications or access the Internet but remains usable for other functions
bougie: marked by a concern for wealth, possessions, and respectability
guac: short for guacamole
hangry: irritable or angry because of hunger
haptics: the use of electronically or mechanically generated movement that a user experiences through the sense of touch as part of an interface (such as on a gaming console or smartphone)
marg: short for margarita plural margs
rando: a random person : a person who is not known or recognizable or whose appearance (as in a conversation or narrative) seems unprompted or unwelcome
RBI: a run in baseball that is driven in by a batter; also : official credit to a batter for driving in a run
TL;DR: too long; didn't read -used to say that something would require too much time to read
zoodle: a long, thin strip of zucchini that resembles a string or narrow ribbon of pasta