Hawaii turns 55 today, here's fun facts you didn't know about the state

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Thursday, August 21, 2014
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Hawaii turns 55 today, here's fun facts you didn't know about the stateA sea turtle lying on the beach in Kailua, Hawaii.
Chris Stewart / AP

55 years ago this Thursday, Hawaii was officially made the 50th state of U.S.A.. Throughout those past 55 years, American citizens have been taking immense advantage of their tropical neighbor next door, a not-so-far away paradise recluse where passports are unnecessary and relaxing times are had by all.

In honor of the Aloha State's 55th anniversary, check out these stunning images of the islands, and these fun facts you didn't know about Hawaii.

Hawaii is one of only two states that don't observe daylight savings time.

The only other state that doesn't is Arizona.

Hawaii is the only state with an Asian plurality.

Honolulu consists of 46% Asian Americans alone, compared to 18.4% seen in San Francisco and 10.4% seen in Los Angeles

Hawaii is the only U.S. state with a tropical rain forest.

With nearly 2,600 miles of them on the islands.

Hawaii is the southernmost state in the country.

Looking at a globe or world map, this doesn't seem accurate. But Honolulu, Hawaii actually has a longitude of 25.002 N, putting it south of Austin, Texas at 30.305, and Tallahassee, Florida at 30.457 N.

Hawaii has the only royal palace in the country

Iolani Palace was used as the residence for the reigning Hawaii sovereign before the islands became a state. Once the Hawaiian monarchy was overthrown in 1893, the palace was used as a capitol building for the Provisional Government. Now it has been serving as a museum since 1978.

On the island of Kauai, no building is allowed to be built taller than a palm tree.

Washington D.C. employs a similar height restriction, where buildings cannot be constructed higher than 130 feet. With the additions of large hotels overtaking the landscape, the law was enacted to keep the region's natural beauty intact.

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