White Castle now serving Bay Area company's plant-based burgers nationwide

Byby Brandon Behle KGO logo
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
White Castle now serving Bay Area company's plant-based burgers
White Castle is now serving the plant-based "Impossible Burger" in all of its restaurants nationwide.

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- White Castle announced Wednesday that it's now serving the plant-based "Impossible Burger" in all 377 of its restaurants nationwide.

The "Impossible Burger" was created right here in the Bay Area by Oakland-based Impossible Foods.

The hamburger giant started testing the vegan burger at several locations back in April and reviews were so favorable they decided to roll it out nationwide.

VIDEO: Where's the beef? Alternative meat burger gets put to the test

Believe it or not, this burger is not made from beef. We did a taste test to see if it's as good as the real thing.

This is by far the largest restaurant chain to feature the plant-based burger.

Bay Area residents have been able to sample the burger for a while: It's served at the Oakland Coliseum, Gott's Roadside restaurants started featuring it earlier this year, and Safeway has been carrying the burgers for home consumption.

Unfortunately, California residents will have to do a little travelling to sample the new "Impossible Slider." The closest White Castle locations are in Nevada.

Go here to find out where you can find the Impossible Burger in the Bay Area.

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