KFC 'fried rat' is really chicken, lab results reveal

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015
(Courtesy of KFC/ABC News)
Courtesy of KFC/ABC News

A lab test has revealed that the rat-shaped tender KFC customer Devorise Dixon claimed he received from one of the restaurant chain's locations is in fact chicken.

"Recently, a customer questioned the quality of a KFC product, and this received considerable publicity given the sensational nature of his claim," KFC spokesperson Rodrigo Coronel told ABC. "The product has now been tested by a third-party independent lab, which confirmed it is definitely a piece of chicken, as we knew all along. The right thing for this customer to do is to apologize and cease making false claims about the KFC brand."

Dixon shared an image to Facebook on June 12 of piece of fried meat that he claimed was a rat. Dixon said he received the rat-shaped tender from a KFC in Compton, Calif.

KFC was quick to respond to the allegations, saying Dixon's original photo clearly showed white meat and couldn't possibly be a rat.

KFC released this image showing how the fried food is chicken.
Courtesy of KFC/ABC News

Coronel said that on Friday, Dixon's attorney turned in the product in question for testing at an independent lab. On Monday, KFC announced that lab results had confirmed that the meat was chicken.

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