Marin County on list of most dangerous places to own property

Wayne Freedman Image
ByWayne Freedman KGO logo
Friday, November 7, 2014
Marin Co. on list of most dangerous places to own property
Residents were in for a big surprise, when Marin County popped up on a list of the most dangerous places to own property in the U.S.

SAN ANSELMO, Calif. (KGO) -- Many, if not most people who live in Marin County, would describe it as one of the best places on earth; a great place to live and play. However, Marin residents were in for a big surprise when did some investigating.

Another postcard of a day in San Anselmo, best known for a shopping district and a creek that has a bad habit of misbehaving every few years. And frankly, they're tired of talking about it.

"Well it only happened twice and it wasn't horrible, horrible," said one resident.

But the flood of 2005 cost millions of dollars. Now factor in the risk of earthquakes, of wildfires, and the high cost of homes. And suddenly, all of beautiful Marin County has now earned a dubious distinction. According to, it's now the 17th most dangerous place to own property in the United States.

"That's in the whole country?" said a surprised resident.

The research is based on statistics compiled from FEMA and other federal agencies. If true, it would make owning a home in Marin County almost as risky as in Forrest County, Mississippi, which was decimated by Hurricane Katrina."

The median home value in Marin County is almost $900,000. The nearby San Andreas Fault is overdue, the wildfire danger is too high, the floods too costly. Paradise, huh?

"Oh it's terrible, terrible. I wouldn't live anyplace else," said one resident.

So said another potential victim facing the imminent threat of yet another perfect day.

To check out all the places that made the list, click here.