San Francisco students march through streets to protest Donald Trump

Bay City News
Friday, November 11, 2016
SF students: 'We will keep doing this until people understand'
San Francisco students took to the streets Thursday morning in protest of Donald Trump's presidency, we were there to speak to them.

SAN FRANCISCO -- Students from several San Francisco high schools walked out of class today and are marching around the city in protest of the election of Donald Trump as the next U.S. president.

RELATED: SF Students: 'We will keep doing this until people understand' in protest

More than 1,000 students left campuses across the city and marched toward Civic Center Plaza, according to the San Francisco Unified School District.

A large portion of the group of students then left the Civic Center area and were spotted downtown and along the Embarcadero late this morning.

San Francisco Municipal Railway spokesman Paul Rose said Muni service along Market Street has been re-routed to nearby Mission Street as a result of the protest.

SFUSD officials sent out a statement about the student walkout this morning.

"We recognize our students' right to free speech and understand their need to use it. The walkout this morning was not authorized by SFUSD staff," district officials said. "Per our standard protocol, we will be notifying families regarding their unexcused absence through our attendance system."

For full coverage on the presidential election, click here.

PHOTOS: Students protesting Donald Trump march through SF

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High school students protesting Donald Trump's election victory march through the streets of San Francisco on Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016.

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