Marin Co. could be 1st in CA to prohibit kids under 16 years old from riding Class 2 e-bikes

ByCornell Barnard KGO logo
Monday, March 24, 2025 4:02AM
Marin Co. could be 1st in CA to place restrictions on Class 2 e-bikes
A proposed ordinance in Marin County would prevent anyone under 16 from riding e-bikes, with eligible riders required to wear a helmet.

MARIN, Calif. (KGO) -- In the North Bay, new rules are coming for anyone riding electric bikes, especially teenagers.

Marin could soon become the first county in the state to regulate Class 2 e-bikes, which can travel up to 20 miles per hour.

They seem to be everywhere. More and more drivers in Marin County are sharing the road with electric bikes, many of the riders are teens.

Local high schools even provide parking for the fast-moving bikes. But, not all riders are safe.

MORE: New UCSF study raises questions over e-bike and e-scooter safety

"Police officers are already having interactions with youth running stop signs, reckless riding," said Talia Smith, Marin County director of Legislative and Governmental Affairs.

Those are a few reasons why Marin could be the first county in the state to regulate Class 2 e-bikes, which are pedal and throttle assisted and can travel up to 20 mph. A proposed ordinance, modeled after a state law yet to be enacted, would prevent anyone under 16 from riding, with eligible riders required to wear a helmet.

"My concerns rose from observations that one out of eight patients brought to the ER did not survive," said Dr. John Maa, Marin General Hospital trauma surgeon.

Maa consulted on the the e-bike ordinance, born from concerns over medical emergencies he treated first-hand.

MORE: Bay Area lawmaker proposing restrictions on electric bikes for minors

"We studied retrospectively and recognized the risk from death from e-bikes was about 37 times higher than traditional pedal bikes," Maa said.

The climate-friendly e-bikes are pricey, often costing thousands. Terrell Kullaway, from the Marin County Bicycle Coaltion is an ebike owner herself, she told ABC7 recently more regulation is needed.

"I think what's happening here in Marin, is people have the financial capacity to buy these for their kids, and they have become trendy, so a lot of parents are just saying 'Well, great. I don't have to drive my kid to soccer anymore,' which is lovely. However, you know, we really need to look at the research and decide whether or not these are safe for our youngsters," Kullaway said.

The county hopes new rules will save lives and prevent injuries. If approved by the board of supervisors this week, the ordinance will take effect in July. Local police would enforce it, with a fine of $25 dollars if you're caught riding underage or without a helmet. An e-bike safety course would also be required.

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