Experience zero-gravity without going to space

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Friday, December 11, 2020
"ZERO-G" flight defies gravity on modified Boeing 727
It's the ultimate bucket list experience like no other. Take to the skies and float like an astronaut without launching to space. It's a once in a lifetime commercial flight opportunity offered by the Zero Gravity Corporation. "

It's the ultimate bucket list experience like no other. Take to the skies and float like an astronaut without launching to space.

It's a once in a lifetime commercial flight opportunity offered by the Zero Gravity Corporation.

"Space is no longer, and certainly weightless, is no longer a third-hand experience," said Ray Cronise, co-founder of ZERO-G.

The space entertainment and tourism company is making space adventure available to anyone at a reasonable price.

"Because having space is something that can be a commercial endeavor that everyone can enjoy," Cronise said. "Not just creating hero astronauts; not just the elite people that get to go, but actually everybody be able to go."

Space enthusiasts get to experience the free-falling ride inside G-Force One.

"It's a Boeing 727 that took 10-years to retrofit to do this," said Matt Gohd, CEO of Zero Gravity Corporation. "It's the only FAA-certified plane that can fly zero-gravity flights.

Similar to a cargo plane, G-Force One is laid out with a padded interior divided into spacious sections made just for free-floating.

"In the space station, you're falling continuously around the Earth. What we do, is we just do a short version of that," explained Cronise. "We do a short little roller coaster-like maneuver. And then over the top, we're putting people in free fall for about 30 seconds."

"It's like watching Apollo 11. It's incredible," said Joshua Wexler from Van Nuys in Los Angeles.

After first experiencing ZERO-G with his son earlier in the year, Wexler returned, but this time with his daughter for her first space-like flight.

"To have this kind of experience with my dad is just a really special moment," said 16-year-old Bella Wexler. "It's just a father-daughter bonding moment," she added.

For reservations, pricing, and flights near you, just head to gozerog.com.

"As a kid growing up in the beginnings of the space age, to think that like 50 years ago, this would be something I could do is amazing," said Gohd.

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