Exercises to help you in bed

Exercises to help you in bed

  • Superstars - Lung Hops: tones lower body, guaranteed to rev your heart rate up.

  • Bent Knee Dead Lift Bicep Curls: activates testosterone by incorporating legs into the movement, but you get double whammy by activating your biceps.

  • Wide Squat with Unilateral Raise: works the inner things and the shoulders to give women a nice tank-top look.
Highlights from the Jari Love's Sex and Fitness survey

What were the favorite body parts for men? Why?
Booty was number 1 with legs coming in second place. Men like women with more curves and like the Beyond body type.

What were the favorite body parts for women? Why?
Chest and arms - women find it very sexy and masculine when men have a nice chest and nice arms.

What is the biggest turn-off for men?
Sag butts, obesity and too muscular. The Madonna body type was the least favorite and women that are too thick or too muscular are seen as being obsessed with exercise or as people with eating disorders.

What is the biggest turn-off for women?
Severe obesity and over-the-top muscularity. Women feel like men that are too muscular are overly into themselves. The biggest turns on for women are the three A's - appreciation, attention and affection!

Sex & Fitness
Written by: Jari Love

Want to know what men and women really want when it comes to the opposite sex? Well, so did I! I thought it was time to ask married and single men and women what they find attractive in the opposite sex, and to find out once and for all how important physical fitness and appearance are when choosing a partner. The results to the Jari Love Sex and Fitness Survey had a few surprises!

Both married and single men prefer fit women who have a softer look. This was probably the most shocking result from the survey since women spend so much time wishing they could get rid of the extra fat and get a more muscular physique. There definitely is a difference in opinion about what men and women find sexy in a woman. But what about what women find physically attractive in men? Do the differences between the sexes continue? Is the time that men spend in the gym getting the attention of most women?

The answer to this is not exactly cut and dry. The survey found that the majority of women prefer men with strong arms and chests, but both married and single women pay very little attention to abs or the lower body. But, while women like nice arms and chests, most chose David Beckham as their ideal body type over the more muscular physiques of Mark Wahlberg or Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. So, women do look for fit partners, but like men, women are looking for someone who stays in shape, but doesn't have giant bulging biceps or rock hard abs.

The survey revealed that both men and women prefer muscular looks for themselves, but they want mates with a more subtly fit look. So, why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to be muscular and have extremely low body fat if neither men nor women find it sexy? Great question! Can you imagine a life without all the stress and pressure to look a certain way - a way that isn't necessarily what the opposite sex finds attractive?

So, at first glance it would seem both men and women look for similar things in a partner, but not so fast! Another interesting survey result was that across the board, men rated physical attractiveness as more important than women did. In fact, some of the married women I spoke to said when it comes to men and weight gain, most are more concerned with the health risks associated with "big bellies" rather than the aesthetic ones. There is a valid concern - men whose waists measure over 40 inches are at greater risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

I also was told that the biggest turn on for a woman is not what their mate looks like, but the way he treats her. They want someone that shows his affection and appreciation. This made me think of my son who thinks that women want big biceps and ripped muscles. But, honestly ladies, do we really want to deal with men that are constantly worried about the way their body looks; flexing their muscles every time they look in the mirror? Don't get me wrong - I am not saying men should gain extreme amounts of weight, but most of us don't mind some weight gain as long as the sweet personality is still there.

What can we learn from all of this? Essentially, we are never going to escape the pressure we feel to look perfect and be in the best shape we can. But, I would hope that we can all cut ourselves some slack now that we know all people prefer mates that take care of themselves rather than going to extremes to drop all body fat. Both sexes will tell you that when you are exercising and eating healthy and enjoying the occasional treat, you feel better about yourself both physically and mentally. In fact, research has proven that those who take care of themselves enjoy sex more and have sex more often.

IBM not denying that it is hard to live in a society that tells us that your not good enough unless you are a size zero or have the physique of Arnold; but guess what? Nobody's perfect and no one really finds perfection all that sexy!
Website: http://www.jarilove.com

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