Sen. Barack Obama's campaign Thursday announced that Clinton's name will be placed in nomination at the Democratic National Convention and there will be a roll call vote. ABC7 has heard this was Clinton's decision; she wanted to give her delegates an opportunity to be heard. ABC News reported Obama to his campaign to go along with the request.
Clinton's former California campaign spokesperson thinks the convention roll call will help Clinton's supporters get behind Barack Obama.
"They really wanted to see some sort of closure and I think this really brings us a step closer to closure," Luis Vizcaino said.
At a July 31 Clinton fundraiser in Los Altos Hills, Clinton told her supporters she would like a roll call at the convention.
"I happen to believe we will come out stronger if people feel that their voices were heard and their views were respected," she said.
The host of the event admits that some of Clinton's camp still are not behind Obama.
"Well the Clinton camp is concerned about her supporters and it is really Hillary's responsibility to bring her supporters along," Lorraine Hariton said.
Santa Clara County Assessor Larry Stone has been a fundraiser for the Clintons since the early 90s. He believes the nomination and roll call is a mistake.
"I think it's a bad idea for the party, I think it's a bad idea for our nominee Barack Obama - and I was a strong Hillary Clinton supporter," Stone said.
Stone believes the state-by-state roll call will provide an opportunity for reporters to focus once more on the often contentious primary battle.
"And I think the Republicans are loving this discussion and this debate," Stone said.
The last time this happened was at the 1992 convention. Jerry Brown lost to Bill Clinton in the primary contest, but his name was placed in nomination.
"I guess because conventions are just movie productions with nothing of any drama left, people actually think, 'well maybe there shouldn't be a roll call, just acclimation,'" Brown said.
Brown supports Clinton's right to a roll call.