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Families these days are looking for any way they can to save money. One way they're doing it is buying less fruits and vegetables.
"It's a big problem because fruits and vegetables are naturally low in calories, so you can eat your fill and it will fill you up," said Good Housekeeping's Jennifer Cook.
Keeping fruits and vegetables in your diet also saves you money because it will keep you healthier and reduce your medical costs. Another way to save is to buy frozen or canned fruits and vegetables. Just make sure you keep it plain.
"No added sugar, no butter, no creamy sauces, because those are just going to be adding calories and they're not going to be adding to the nutrition," said Cook.
Good Housekeeping also suggests substituting produce for meat. That could save you a bundle in food costs.
One other way to save. Good Housekeeping suggests eating dried fruit. It's cheaper than fresh.
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