Dig Deep is a San Francisco non-profit that makes sure the Salvation Army toy shelves are well-stocked this time of year and with what the kids really want for Christmas.
"We've raised close to $45,000, plus we get huge discounts at the stores. We've already pre-negotiated discounts with Sports Authority, Target, Sports Basement locally in San Francisco," Dig Deep co-founder Butch Haze said.
Dig Deep was founded in 2001 when friends Butch Haze and Rich Teed heard the Salvation Army toy shelves were empty. So they went shopping with $10,000 to buy toys the first year. They spent $30,000 last year and this year they're hoping donations will total $100,000.
Male model Fabio is even taking part in this toy giveaway.
"These two are friends of mine and when they told me what they were going to do, I would be there in a second," he said.
When it comes to shopping, Dig Deep knows their target audience ages are seven to 17. It is a range the Salvation Army says they don't get enough donations for.
"We give all of our elves a certain amount of money to go spend and an age group and gender and say go spend $3,000 on kids between the ages of six and nine boys, and you on girls, and we kind of split it up," Dig Deep co-founder Rick Teed.
Of course all the shopping is thanks to all the elves. Each one raised $500 just to get a chance to shop for the kids today -- and boy did they.
"Once you start giving, it's a universal law your life just starts to lift up. The quality of your life changes dramatically," Haze said.