The Giambi brothers recounted much of what they had already told a 2003 grand jury. They were already using steroids when Jason met Bonds' former trainer Greg Anderson in 2002.
But with Major League Baseball's new drug testing survey on the horizon, Anderson offered them an undetectable alternative. Jason testified Anderson told him the designer steroids we now know as "the clear" and "the cream" had "steroid-like properties." Jeremy said Anderson told him they were "alternative undetectable steroids."
Their testimony seems to support Bonds' claim that he never knowingly took anabolic steroids. But former Giant Marvin Benard said Anderson described them as simply "undetectable steroids."
Quest Labs director Barry Sample testified about the testing process for a 2003 Bonds' urine sample that at first tested negative and later positive when anti-doping labs de-coded what is now known as the steroid THG.
Former Giants' head trainer Stan Conte testified about physical changes he observed in Bonds that former expert witnesses have linked to steroid use. Conte also described a conversation in his office just after the raid on Anderson's house. Conte said Bonds told him he didn't know anything about the steroids, and that Anderson was only selling the steroids to help his kid.
"I had never heard that Bonds had acknowledged that Greg Anderson was selling steroids," said former San Francisco Chronicle reporter Lane Wiliams who co-authored the book "Game of Shadows" about the steroid investigation leading to Bonds' indictment. "That's interesting. The case doesn't rise or fall on it, but it was a little detail that was new to me."
The trial continues Wednesday with Benard likely back on the stand.