FRESNO, Calif. -- California has decided to let hundreds of local water districts set their own conservation goals after a wet winter eased the drought in some parts of the state.
The State Water Resources Control Board met Wednesday in Sacramento and lifted its statewide conservation order calling for a 20 percent savings.
The new rules allow more than 400 local water districts to set conservation targets for residents and businesses.
The districts will set their goals based on supply and demand, assuming dry conditions will stretch for three years.
Californians have saved a year's worth of water for 6.5 million residents since statewide conservation started last year.
Click here for full coverage on the California drought.
To learn how much water your city is required to cut back, click here. For water rebate information from Bay Area water suppliers, click here. You'll find tips about how to conserve water here and information on how to report water wasters #WhereYouLive, here.