OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- As federal officials indicted former Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao, city leaders who worked alongside the politician reacted to the corruption accusations.
Walking out of the federal courthouse, Thao maintained her innocence as she faced an eight-count indictment that included bribery offenses along with her longtime boyfriend and two local businessmen. This happened just two months after she was recalled.
"We all knew that she was pretty corrupt and dishonest in addition to being incompetent," said Tuan Ngo with Asian Unite, one of the groups behind the Sheng Thao recall.
The indictments on bribery charges sent shockwaves across the city with some of Thao's former colleagues responding.
RELATED: Former Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao faces up to 95 years in prison on federal charges
"I'm honestly shocked and disappointed. This is sadly not the first time that the city of Oakland has experienced what is considered pay to play politics. And allegations of corruption are always a blow to the public's trust and city hall," said Janani Ramachandran, Oakland city councilmember.
East Bay's new Congresswoman Lateefah Simon was just landing from Washington D.C. when we caught up with her.
"It's devastating, but at the end of the day as an elected leader myself, I'm going to respect due process in the rule of law," Simon said. "In terms of what this means for Oakland, there are real issues facing this town: affordable housing. I just landed and the crisis that is on our streets of homelessness is real. Public safety is real. There is a mental health crisis and that is real."
TIMELINE: FBI political corruption investigation involving Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao, Duong family
Former Congresswoman Barbara Lee, who recently filed to run for Oakland mayor, said the city is not for sale and in a statement said:
"The allegations contained in the criminal indictment are devastating. There should be no tolerance whatsoever for secret pay to play schemes that erode the public trust. Oaklanders expect and deserve leaders who have only one agenda-honest, accountable leadership that serves the people of Oakland. Every individual is entitled to constitutional protections and a presumption of innocence, but City Hall must never be for sale. We need a fresh start in Oakland. Our local governance and political system must be beyond reproach. Every Oaklander deserves no less."
Simon, who replaced Lee in the state's 12th Congressional District, said it will be crucial to regain the trust of Oakland residents.
"The folks here in Oakland need us to move forward. They need us to move forward. There is a justice department who will do what it needs to do in terms of adjudicating this case, but of course I'm disappointed and of course I'm shocked. Of course, I'm devastated," Simon said.