CCSF considers proposal aimed to arm campus police with guns

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ByMatt Keller KGO logo
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Proposal aims to arm CCSF police with guns
City College of San Francisco campus police may start carrying guns and Tasers if a new proposal is passed.

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- If a new proposal passes, it will allow City College of San Francisco campus police to be armed.

The police chief is pushing for dozens of guns, Tasers and body cameras for his officers.

There are 113 community colleges in California. Only two of those are patrolled by unarmed police forces, including City College of San Francisco.

City College of San Francisco is one of the biggest community colleges in the country, but the police officers patrolling the campus are only armed with pepper spray and a baton at this time.

"People have very strong feelings on both sides. There are legitimate facts and concerns on both sides. And we need to have a robust and transparent conversation and arrive at the best decision for our students and employees," CCSF spokesman Jeff Hamilton said

An outside consultant was hired to look at campus safety after an incident involving a gun in the school's library in October 2015.

No shots were fired and no one was hurt, but campus police officers had to wait several minutes for San Francisco police to arrive with their guns.

"We're supposed to contact SFPD and basically wait for them to arrive and take care of the situation," CCSF Police Department Ofc. Igor Boyko said.

The outside consultant released their findings, recommending arming campus police officers with guns, Tasers and also body cameras.

Police Chief Andre Barnes agreed with the report and is asking for those items to be approved.

The participatory governance council made up of students, faculty and administrators, will meet in May and is expected to approve the recommendations to Interim Chancellor, Susan Lamb.

It will then be up to the chancellor to decide if this issue will head to the board of trustees for a vote.

Students are split on the issue. "I think it's unnecessary. We have never had an incident on this campus that required police force using arms," CCSF student Sarah Thompson said.

"If something happens how are police not going to have something to protect themselves and us," CCSF student Sandy Sicarios said.

If this issue makes it to the board of trustees, it will likely not be addressed until at least the Summer.

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