Social media goes purple for Spirit Day to fight bullying of LGBT youth

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Thursday, October 15, 2015
GLAAD and other organizations are asking people wear purple Thursday to raise awareness about bullying of LGBT youth.

One out of four children is bullied at school, but that number is much higher for youth who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. A 2013 study found that as much as 85 percent of LGBT youth had experienced verbal harassment in the past year alone.

Spirit Day is an annual effort to turn social media purple to raise awareness of bullied LGBT youth. Supporters turn their profile photos purple and wear purple to work or school, posting photos with the hashtag #SpiritDay.

Millions of people have supported Spirit Day since it began in 2010 to raise awareness of LGBT teens who had taken their own lives after being bullied, according to GLAAD.

RELATED: How to talk to your kids about bullying

About 60 percent of LGBT youth felt unsafe in school, according to the 2013 study, which was conducted by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. This bullying can lead to lower self-esteem, a lower GPA and less planning for college.

To raise awareness for the cause, celebrities and organizations went purple on Thursday -- both in their wardrobes and on their social media profiles.

Want to show support? Go to GLAAD's website to take the pledge or download the app to turn your social media photos purple.

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